Konnekt Videophone vs Seniors Tablet

Konnekt Videophone vs Seniors Tablet

Is your parent or grandparent better off with a Konnekt Videophone or a seniors tablet?

Use this comparison table to help guide your decision.

The key factors are:

  • Age / technical ability and health. For most healthy 65-75 year-olds with no memory loss, no hearing/vision impairments and no mobility/dexterity limitations, we recommend either a regular iPad / Android tablet with accessibility features enabled, or else a carefully personalized seniors tablet.
  • The need to take it outside. A tablet is more portable and can be taken outside. This must be weighed up against the risk of dropping / losing / misplacing it, the need to (remember to) charge it, the smaller size, and the greater difficulty in learning its user interface. 
  • Potential future needs. In the future, there may be a need for features such as captioning of video calls / phone calls, reading of lips and facial expressions, greater volume, a larger screen, bigger buttons, larger text, and a simpler user interface. If you are confident that these features will not be required in the reasonably forseeable future, then a tablet may be adequate.

Otherwise, we would recommend a Konnekt Videophone or Captioning Videophone.

Konnekt Videophone vs Seniors Tablets

For memory loss

Grandma making a one-touch call using a Konnekt Videophone

Konnekt Videophone
• Incredibly simple user interface
• No icons
• All contacts on home screen
• One touch to call

For memory loss

Senior woman confused by tablet

Seniors tablets
• Modal interface, hard to remember
• Icons to learn
• Select mode, scroll to find contacts
• 3 actions to call

For hearing loss

Captioned video call using Konnekt phone

Konnekt Videophone
• Twin internal 2.5-inch speakers
• Loud bassy ringing
• Optional clip-on powered speaker
• Handset available (privacy, clarity)
• Captions available in large text

For hearing loss

Man struggling to understand speech

Seniors tablets
• Internal piezo speaker (low in bass)
• Tinny ringing doesn’t penetrate
• No speaker options
• No handset available
• No captioning available

For low vision

Konnekt Videophone high-contrast buttons in 2x5 grid

Konnekt Videophone
• 15-inch or 20-inch screen
• Text up to 7 cm tall
• 1 to 40 buttons, adjustable size
• High-contrast palette available

For low vision

Konnekt Videophone size compared with a tablet and a mobile phone

Seniors tablets
• 10-inch screen
• Tiny 18-point text
• Button size not adjustable
• No high-contrast colour palette

For poor dexterity

Hand pressing large Konnekt Videophone call button

Konnekt Videophone
• Buttons up to 15 cm (6 in) wide
• No menus, scrolling or dropdowns
• Use any object to push buttons

For poor dexterity

Tablet with a cracked screen after dropping

Seniors tablets
• Small buttons
• Small menus, fiddly dropdowns
• Touchscreen requires skin contact

For poor mobility

Videophone on extendable monitor-arm mounted to wall

Konnekt Videophone
• Integral kickstand, stuck down
• VESA* monitor arm compatible
• Wireless access button available

For poor mobility

Confused gentleman who misplaced his tablet

Seniors tablets
• Easy to misplace
• Not VESA-mount compatible
• Hard to use or see at a distance


Faces on call buttons

Konnekt Videophone
• Screen-saver options
• Can rename contact “Bob my son”
• Optional contact photos


Lady unable to use a tablet

Seniors tablets
• Limited or no screen-saver options
• Contacts cannot be renamed
• Contact photos are not optional

Automatic answer?

Videophone Auto Answer

Konnekt Videophone
• Nominated trusted contacts only
• Up to 55 second settable ring time
• Can help mitigate falls risk

Automatic answer?

Senior man fallen to the ground

Seniors tablets
• Auto-answers everyone or no one
• Not adjustable
• Instant-answer privacy concerns

Phone calls?

Doctor on a standard phone call

Konnekt Videophone
• Makes standard phone calls
• Calls to phones included
• Optional huge on-screen dial-pad
• Phone number available*

Phone calls?

Confused lady on a landline phone

Seniors tablets
• Can’t call landlines, or
• Needs subscription to call phones
• No dial-pad or tiny dial-pad
• Can’t call it from a landline

Automatic power on?

Videophone video call with granddaughter

Konnekt Videophone
• Designed to be always on
• Starts when power is applied
• No fiddly power connectors

Automatic power on?

Confused lady trying to power on a tablet

Seniors tablets
• Users forget to charge
• Hold power button to start
• Fiddly power connector

Care homes

Man sleeping peacefully in bed

Konnekt Videophone
• Blank screen at night (option)
• Reliable, no need for staff help
• Ideal for COVID lockdown

Care homes

Man cannot sleep due to light from a tablet

Seniors tablets
• No night-time blank screen
• Needs frequent staff help
• Touchscreen needs skin contact

Plug and go?

Konnekt Videophone in a group call with 5 others

Konnekt Videophone
• Arrives preconfigured
• Arrives personalized, connected to family
• Wi-Fi auto-connect option
• Built upon rock-solid Microsoft Skype

Plug and go?

Woman unable to connect via a standard telephone

Seniors tablets
• Requires user configuration
• Needs personalization upon delivery
• Manual Wi-Fi connect only
• Family need custom app


Worldwide Konnekt Team Offers Great Support

Konnekt Videophone
• I.T. Support, even for your Internet
• Additions and changes by Konnekt


Gentleman trying to use a fiddly tablet

Seniors tablets
• Limited support
• Changes: Do it yourself
