Planned migration from Skype

Last Updated: 2 March, 2025

Konnekt constantly reviews, updates and improves our software. In fact, we update Konnekt software regularly without the need for user intervention.

You may have heard that Microsoft Skype (which the Konnekt Videophone talks to for video calling) is migrating to a more recent technology known as Microsoft Teams. Teams is robust, exceptionally high in quality, and is relied upon worldwide for business, telehealth, and now also for non-business use. Like Skype, Teams is free for consumer customers, runs on practically all devices, and is available worldwide.

For Konnekt customers using phone calls or captioned calls:

  • Konnekt already uses an alternative world-leading provider of captioning (speech-to-text, also known as subtitles). Captioning has improved measurably in speed, reliability and accuracy, and starts automatically almost instantly.
  • Phone calls are already available without the use of Skype. Many Konnekt customers (who have phone calls in their subscription) have already been updated with this option.

For video calling: Konnekt is planning to migrate to Microsoft Teams while also exploring alternatives. Skype and Teams can interoperate already, and contacts can be brought across automatically.

We will continue to communicate with our customers and partners directly and, at the same time, update this webpage. Please keep an eye on your emails or simply bookmark this page.

Best wishes,

Team Konnekt.
