The Team

The Konnekt team shares a passion for providing reliable health and medical products, with oustanding customer support, worldwide.

The combined experience of our wider team encompasses health, aged care, engineering, electronics, communication, IT, software, business, education and charities.


Karl Grimm BEng

Founder and Managing Director

Karl Grimm is an experienced business leader with a successful history of surmounting technology challenges and creating sought-after products and services. Building an incredibly happy team who love their job is central to good management.

Karl is customer-focused, enjoys a positive outlook on life, and has a reputation for honesty and integrity above all else.


John Nakulski BEng(Hons), MBA

Co-Founder and Marketing Director

The vision for Konnekt’s award-winning Videophone came from John’s struggle to help his Mum overcome dementia, mitigate loneliness and depression, see her grandkids, and stay in her own home longer.

John has a passion for all things related to health and wellness, experience volunteering in Aged Care, and is a champion for user-centric design.

Natalie wearing Konnekt top

Natalie Allinson

Office Manager

Natalie originally trained as a secondary teacher and worked in education for seven years before moving to office management.  She loves to organize and to work with numbers, but also has a passion for people networking.

Experienced in business administration, HR, contracts and more, Natalie tweets rhymes to our Social Media followers and is well known in the local community for her voluntary work in Aged Care.

Karl’s story: My Mum & Tech Stress

Konnekt Videophone - "My Mom & Tech Stress"

Ian Holland BEng/BCompSc

System Architect

Ian is renowned in the world of video & voice technology, successful in leading large teams, and accomplished in international business. His work has repeatedly met the high reliability standards of demanding customers such as Fortune 500 corporations.

When Ian isn’t solving the impossible, he coaches basketball and enjoys a highly technical radio direction-finding team sport known as foxhunting.


Daniel Grimm

Product and Support Specialist

Daniel is a dual force in his role at Konnekt.

As an IT support specialist, he resolves technical issues swiftly. As a product and service specialist, he assists new customers, offering solutions tailored to their needs.


Pano Mitropoulos AdvDipEng

Support Technician

As one of our newest Production and Support Technician, Pano builds, personalizes and supports Videophones and Captioning Videophones for our customers.

Pano studied engineering and business management at RMIT.

Kostas Mitropoulos

Kostas Mitropoulos BCommEng/BSci

Support Technician

Cain Morton

Support Technician
David Bowen

David Bowen CGETC

Support Technician

Tracy Howard


With a background in Office Administration and Bookkeeping, Tracy helps keep Konnekt running smoothly. You might find yourself talking to Tracy if you call our offices.

When she isn’t visiting her own Mum in Aged Care, Tracy enjoys reading and walking, visiting the gym, and spending time with her grandson.

Partners, Associates, Collaborators

We’re often asked for trusted help with government funding, choosing a home, finding service providers and selecting other assistive technology. Here are a few of the individuals and organizations that we highly respect, that we would recommend to you for their services, their web-based resources or their research papers.

Click on each image to learn how they can help you.

Stephen Minall

Stephen is a champion for elderly care, disability and deafness.

Just So Care provides sales and support for Konnekt products in the UK, Ireland and Israel.

Stephen Minall

Just So Care, United Kingdom
Christian Walter, bildfon

Sales and support partner for Continental Europe.

Making the Videophone available to users with a screen interface in many languages, fast delivery from the service center in Vienna – right in the heart of Europe – and best-in-class support provided during European daytime hours.

Christian Walter

bildfon, Europe
Tara DeBondt ESSI

My goal is to offer personalized advice and caring support, to help you or your family.

I can also assist with providing Internet to anyone within the United States.

Tara DeBondt

Environmental Sound Solutions Inc., USA
Graeme Rawlings at Think Robotics

Graeme leads the team at Think Robotics, located in Auckland.

Think Robotics offers sales and support for Konnekt customers in New Zealand.

Graeme Rawlings

Think Robotics, New Zealand

Andrew is a product expert at Think Robotics in Auckland.

Think Robotics offers New Zealand sales and support for Konnekt Videophone and for local products.

Andrew King

Think Robotics, New Zealand
Danielle Robertson, DR Care Solutions

My goal is to assist you to find the right care solution that meets your needs, wants and wishes in the quickest possible time.

Danielle can help you navigate the government funding maze quickly, select a reputable service provider, and take the work out of care management.

Danielle Robertson

DR Care Solutions, Australia

The Virtual Team

Our team of local and international partners supply hardware to our specification, develop Videophone software, design our web, personalize Videophone for customers in multiple languages, provide IT and Internet support service, and demonstrate and sell our product.

Konnekt has a growing list of sales and support partners in America, Australasia and Europe.

If you feel you can help us improve the lives of the elderly and disabled as a valued Konnekt partner or reseller, simply Contact Us.
