Home Phone for Video-calling
この Konnekt Videophone is an easy-to-use phone designed for individuals with hearing difficulties.
それは提供します LOUD and CLEAR audio through two large built-in cone speakers—significantly bigger than those found in most mobiles, tablets, and laptops.
With video-calling, you can lip-read, use sign language (such as Auslan), and even share text or images on-screen.
この 自動応答 function allows nominated carers to connect effortlessly when needed, ensuring safety and peace of mind.
Our products won’t interfere with hearing aids and feature a built-in hearing aid loop output.
Want real-time subtitles for your call? See our new Konnekt キャプション付きビデオフォン.
当社の製品は、現在、 $ 5 /月 対象となるお客様には、
Videophone with real-time subtitles
- 自動音声テキストキャプション(字幕)
- 唇、表情、感情を読む
- 手話を使う
- 勉強:ビデオ通話はうつ病のリスクを半分に
The ringing volume is separately adjustable and can be made EXTRA loud.
When someone calls, you can hear the ringing from several rooms away – even if you’re hard of hearing. We can make your Videophone EXTREMELY loud if you have mild to severe hearing loss. There’s even an optional amplified speaker, with separate sound control, for those who need even more volume.
If you must use it in a room shared with others, we can make it soft.
The sensitive microphone captures every nuance of your speech, allowing you to walk around the room and carry on with other activities – while speaking in your normal voice. It can even detect your voice if you call for help from another room!
あなたはから選ぶことができます 15インチ or 20インチ screen that makes it easy to lip-read, use sign language, or read captions with clarity.
Your contacts can effortlessly screen-share from almost any mobile phone, tablet, or computer, allowing them to display text, photos, or web pages directly on your Konnekt screen. Best of all, there’s nothing you need to do—just sit back and watch!
For those using hearing aids, the Videophone offers flexible connectivity options. It can pair via Bluetooth, or you can opt for the standard 3.5mmオーディオ出力 or USB接続, depending on your pref本質。
お客様の声 お客様からの声
「 Konnekt ビデオ電話システムは、お父さんが友人や家族とより良くつながるのを本当に助けました。 彼が耳が聞こえなくなってきているので、発信者に会うことは彼が唇を読むのを助け、音量はより強く、トーンは標準的な携帯電話よりも明瞭です。」
— Wendy Wintersgill、登録看護師(RN)。
アクセサリー オプション
Konnekt Disability Videophone can turn on lamps in other rooms or vibrate a pocket device whenever someone rings! 方法をお問い合わせください.