Captioning Videophone FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

See also our regular (non-captioning) Videophone FAQ

Calling Plan options

Konnekt Captioning Videophone

Can I call Skype contacts?


  • You can call the mobile phones, tablets and computers of all your local and overseas Contacts that have the Skype app
  • In some countries, the use of Skype may be blocked or requires a VPN service

Preferences and Contacts

How is it mounted?

  • Sit it on its kickstand. We supply a small adhesive clamp to stick it down.
  • Use a suitable monitor stand for greater security. Ask for our recommendation.
  • Wall-mount it using any VESA-100 monitor bracket. See Videophone accessories.

Connection and Activation

How to make a video call

  1. One touch: Press the Call button of a video contact
  2. Wait: They answer on their phone, iPad/tablet or computer
  3. Watch: You can read their lips and facial expressions
  4. Talk: Hands-free, optional handset, or other* devices
  5. Read: Captions start automatically
  6. Finish: Either of you can end the call

Outbound Calls

How to make a phone call

  1. One touch or dial: Press the Call button of a phone contact, or press Phone* to enter a number
  2. Wait: They answer on their phone (no app needed)
  3. Talk: Hands-free, optional handset, or other* devices
  4. Read: Captions start automatically
  5. Tones: Send DTMF tones (“Press 1 for Doctor…”)
  6. Finish: Either of you can end the call

Privacy and Safety

How to receive a video call

  1. They call you: The other person calls you on Skype
  2. Name: Read the caller’s name
  3. It rings loudly, and the whole screen flashes
  4. One touch: Press ANSWER – or nominated callers can be answered automatically (optional)
  5. Watch: See their face and read lips
  6. Talk: Hands-free, optional handset or other* devices
  7. Read: Captions start automatically
  8. Finish: Either of you can end the call

Inbound Calls

How to receive a phone call

  1. Direct call: They simply call your number* (no app)
  2. Caller ID: Read their number, or name if it’s a Contact
  3. It rings loudly, and the whole screen flashes
  4. One touch: Press ANSWER – or nominated callers can be answered automatically (optional)
  5. Talk: Hands-free, optional handset or other* device
  6. Watch: Read their lips and facial expressions
  7. Read: Captions start automatically
  8. Finish: Either of you can end the call


Videophone with captioning

How does captioning work?

The Konnekt Captioning Videophone uses context-sensitive captioning driven by artificial intelligence.

External Devices and Accessories

Captioning Videophone main page
